Using Letsencrypt with ecoDMS

ecoDMS is a very nice electronic document management server. Sadly its written in Java…

It has a built-in webserver which can be configured to use HTTPS. You can use even custom certifcates, but for that you need to upload a java keystore using the client (not via webinterface).

As uploading a keystore is not a good way of automation via hooks used by dehydrated (the letsencrypt-client I’m using), I was searching for a better way.

All following names for aliases and keystores are based the filename of my first manuel try to upload a java keystore.

Turns out: the keystore is saved in ecoDMSs own postgres-database.

postgres=# \c ecodms
ecodms=# \dt *.*
                          List of relations
       Schema       |            Name             | Type  |  Owner
 classify01         | userdata                    | table | ecosims

In classify01.userdata eveything, fields with name id and data, is base64 encoded hex-data.

In my case I was able to find


which is decoded


Even the password of the keystore was saved in hex and base64

ecodms=# select from classify01.userdata where = 'U1NMS0VZUEFTUzplY29kbXMuamtz';
(1 row)

user@pc /tmp $ echo 4d54497a4e445532 | xxd -r -p | base64 -d

Based on these informationen I’m now using this lines in my hook of dehydrated to insert the certificate into ecoDMS.

export pw=123456
cat "${FULLCHAINFILE}" "${KEYFILE}" > /tmp/all.pem
cd /tmp/
openssl pkcs12 -export -in all.pem -out ecodms.p12 -name ecodms -password env:pw
rm -f all.pem

keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass 123456 -destkeypass 123456 -destkeystore ecodms.jks -srckeystore ecodms.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass 123456 -alias ecoDMS
rm -f ecodms.p12

HEX=$(base64 -w 0 ecodms.jks | xxd -p | tr -d '\n')
echo "UPDATE classify01.userdata SET data = '\x$HEX' WHERE id = 'U1NMS0VZU1RPUkU6ZWNvZG1zLmprcw==';" | su -c "psql ecodms" postgres
rm -f ecodms.jks

/etc/init.d/ecodms stop
/etc/init.d/ecodms start

Please note if you want to use these information:

  • Upload first keystore manually
  • Use same password in hook as we’re just overwriting the keystore
  • Depending on your filename the base64-ID will change
  • Filename of temporary keystore doesn’t mater, you just need to remember it to find the correct ID
  • Remove temporary files as I didn’t find an option to overwrite already existing keystores (it will ask if you want to overwrite it).